About Envitech
ENVITECH has a staff of Engineers, Chemists, Operators etc. and has a total strength of about 15. Apart from this staff, we have number of associates, who are leaders in their fields of engineering. This includes Civil and Structural Designs, Architects, Microbiologists, Statisticians, Electrical, Instrumentation, Chemical, Mechanical engineering etc.
Environmental services have taken on a new urgency since the beginning of this decade. There has been widespread recognition of the seriousness of the environmental problems at various levels and one consequence of this is the greater importance being attached to Environmental services, the process of identifying the environmental consequences of human activities, even before begin. The idea of carrying out environmental impact assessment is becoming increasingly familiar to people all around the world, especially in developing countries.

Why Us?
Due to the assistance of our experienced and capable team members, we are engaged in providing excellent quality products in the limited time frame. Reasons which have turned up to be the most preference of our valued patrons include:
- Experienced professionals
- Strict quality standards
- Competitive prices
- Timely delivery
- Positive records
- Wide distribution network
- Streamlined business operations